DiPrima Casting

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Established 1978

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    Florida Film Facts

Clients Shooting in Florida may care to review the following hyperlink.
 Florida Production Guide   

South Florida is known as the "Gold Coast" with an unrivaled year-round warm climate and natural beauty. It boasts about its 3,000 hours of annual sunshine, which provides the perfect climate for any production activity. This region has virtually everything you'll need to make your next project a success - variety of scenic locations, inviting weather, unparalleled production crews, services and facilities, as well as a multi-cultural array of on-camera talent.

Miami-Dade is filled with neighborhoods with homes, parks and roadways of every ilk including, upscale mansions and neighborhoods, cottages and condos, Mediterranean, Spanish and Caribbean architecture both inland on the coast. Urban looks from the raw inner cities, to active business districts, and every beach and oceanfront look that you can imagine, bordered by this region's own distinct russet sands leading up to an ocean of azure.

http://www.filmiami.org, the official website of the Miami-Dade Office of Film & Entertainment and the most thorough source of information for filming and conducting entertainment related business in Miami-Dade County.

http://www.FilmFlorida.com is the online version of the Miami Production Guide and Film Florida Production Guides - the most complete, up-to-date, authoritative, easy-to-use references for film, video and print in Florida.

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